Born to a Russian immigrant family, her parents made sure that she learned English as her first language in order to try and give her a leg up. Nevertheless, she still picked up somewhat of an accent from them and their friends. As she grew older, she quickly realised there was something different with her family from her father's odd absences and the skeevy characters that he would hang around with. After awhile, some of those characters started to pay increasing amounts of attention to her and they apparently mentioned her to one of the Vory leadership who came to investigate. Confirming her ability to remain unnoticed, she was immediatly selected for grooming as a Vory member.
Despite quiet objections by her father, and less quiet ones by her mother, this excited Sylvia. Throwing herself into the training, she quickly excelled and the Vory invested quite a bit in equipping her for clandestine tasks. One of her first real missions went horribly wrong, however, and an explosive that was supposed to be set for ten minutes went off in one. The heat and pressure from the edge of the explosion almost killed her and did end up destroying the interior of her ears. Now completely deaf, it was decided from above that implants would not be provided and that she would be trained as a bodyguard and sentry that could be relied upon not to evesdrop on conversations.
Now a full member in her own right, she recently borrowed money from the organization in order to pay for her muscle augmentations. They weren't seen as nessecary to perform her duties, so the Vory was unwilling to pay for them. In order to pay the note, Sylvia has been taking side jobs in the same vein as the Vory duties and has managed to pay down a third of the debt so far. | BACKGROUND Show: YESPage Break: NO |